How To Enjoy Winter Golf

By TeeWatch | December 17th, 2021
Putting on a frozen lake

Golf is typically a warm-weather sport, but that's not always the case! Despite the challenges, playing winter golf can be a lot of fun. The courses are much less crowded than they are in the summer, and you'll have a chance to play in some beautiful settings. So don't let the cold weather keep you from enjoying a round of golf!

Dressing For Winter Golf

When playing golf in cold temperates, there are a few things you should take into consideration. The most important is that you'll want to make sure to dress appropriately. If you stay warm you'll be much more likely to enjoy yourself. Conversely, no matter how good you're playing you'll want to flee to the clubhouse once the cold sets in.

This means wearing clothes that will keep you warm, such as long johns, a jacket, a hat, and gloves. It's advisable to bring 2 gloves along to keep your hand warm. Once your hands get cold it will be difficult to maintain control and all sense of feel for short game shots will diminish rapidly. You'll also want to bring plenty of water with you, as it can be surprisingly easy to get dehydrated in cold weather.

Where To Play

Once the cold sets in most courses will close up shop, but not all! Some courses see an opportunity to gain enthusiastic customers (and who could doubt the dedication of a winter golfer) during a time with little competition. The advantage of playing at a golf course during the winter is that you have the place to yourself-no waiting on the tee.

Not sure what's open? You can use TeeWatch to see out which which courses are still offering tee times. TeeWatch is always scanning your local courses and if tee times start appearing then that course is likely open for business! Many courses will only open when the temperates rise above 40 degrees a few days in a row. If such a stretch of good weather is headed your way, keep an eye on TeeWatch's searches for your area to see which courses are taking advantage of the weather.

Embrace The Challenge

Let's face it, cold weather is just not ideal for scoring well, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun. Embrace the idea that winter rounds are an excuse to get outdoors and will keep you sharp for spring. Don't obsess about handicaps or scores, just have a good time!

Winter weather conditions can result in a number of problems for golf. One of these is when the air is cold, your ball won't fly as far. Be mindful of this on the first few shots so you can adjust quickly to the conditions. You'll likely need to use 1 or even 2 more clubs to reach your regular distances. Fairways and greens will also be much harder, making them difficult to hold. You'll want to plan for more rollout as the ball will not spin as well nor will the playing surface be soft enough to slow it down.

And don't forget to apply golf's winter rules to make the game more enjoyable in the cold conditions. The main change is that, during winter, you can clean or replace a ball in the fairway, in order to clean off any mud (or snow!) that's accumulated on it.


Remember that playing in cold weather conditions can be fun even though scoring isn't always great; just enjoy yourself and embrace what makes winter different from other times of the year. Be sure to check TeeWatch for open courses in your area before heading out on a winter golf outing!

Putting on a frozen lake
Credit: Siberian Times

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